Saturday, July 17, 2010


Concept of Love from Chili

chili- red, green, spicy, the smaller the spicier, easily addicted

I get two concepts from this...


Love is like chili

Take too much, spicy

Take too little, "tak syok"

Without it, miss it

In the suitable dish, it taste the best


I cannot forget you in my life

Just like

I cannot forget chili when eating KFC!!!

Concept of Life from Candle

candle: have a certain life time; have different sizes and shapes; the larger the fire, the shorter the life time

Life is like a candle,
the first day we were born on earth
is the time our candle being lighted with fire.
No one born to be useless,
all have their own abilities,
just like every candle have different sizes and shapes,
If we are daring enough to try out more new things,
our candle might present our own unique colour of flame.
Avoid working endlessly,
because it will enlarge our flame and shorten our life time,
Thus, lets be grateful and enjoy everyday of life before the flame of death swallow us up.

Concept of Pain from Ice-cream

ice-cream: A favourite dessert for people who like sweet stuff from all range of age, create a sudden pain for people who have sensitive teeth, have attractive colour, cold, sweet, different designs

Pain are like ice-cream,
they use attractive colours and design to attract human from different ages.
Like little devils,
placing colourful and attractive traps,
once someone get closer trying to have a bite,
it will sting him or her.

Concept of Life from Card Holder

Card Holder: carry all types of cards, have limited space, have different designs and colour,

Life are like card holder,
while the knowledge we learn are like the cards in it.
No one would be able to learn every knowledge that exists on earth,
just like there are limited spaces in a card holder.
Thus, in life,
human are busy choosing which card to be place in their card holder

Concept of Women from Mortar and Pestle

mortar and pestle: to grin anything that is place in the mortar, though, strong,

Women are like mortar and pestle,
strong and though,
and no longer need the protections of men.
Women faced many different problems in life,
family, work, children, house chores,
the thing placed in the mortar are like the different problem face by women,
women could always solve these problems,
just like they could grin everything up that placed in the mortar.

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