Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Convergent thinking vs Divergent thinking

In this class, I was taught that there are 2 methods of creative thinking: Divergent thinking and Convergent thinking. We could observe creativity as a procedure of divergent thinking followed by convergent thinking.

Divergent thinking resembling to the word “divergent” is to think of a problem differently, mostly by thinking “…yes, and… ” or making brain storm. By this method, we could expand our field of thinking and thus broaden our vision just like a concave lens.

While convergent thinking resembling to the word “converge” is to think of a question and attacking it in one chosen way , mostly by thinking “…no, but… “. It can also explain by, information + possibilities = solution. Thus, it will narrow our ideas like convex lens. Unlike Divergent thinking, solution can be made more precisely by using this method.

Mind map was found by a man name Tony Buzan. A good mind map is to note down your information in short words and most preferably keywords only. Attractive colors will also enhance the writer or reader to remember the information in the mind map.
Logical mind maps are words written that are directly related to the main object
Associated mind map can generate random words that the conclusion appeared seems to be not related to the main object.

Stereotypes are people who think of problems in a traditional way and never think out of the box. For example, stereotype person will think that men are not suitable for taking flowers as accessories. But who cares? Now is the 21st century, people have the rights on choosing their clothing. Another example i hate the most is: stereotype person tend to think that girls must wear skirt. Oh hello~! Do you know how annoying to wear a skirt? And worst come to worst is, most senior citizens or parents are stereotype...

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